".$lastID." ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 60"; // $sql = "SELECT * FROM ptb_continent"; $sql="SELECT d.object,c.town,c.town_id,b.region,c.region_id,a.country,b.country_id "; $sql=$sql." FROM ptb_country a, ptb_region b, ptb_town c , ptb_object d where "; $sql=$sql." a.country_id=b.country_id and b.region_id=c.region_id and c.town_id=d.town_id"; $sql=$sql." ORDER BY d.object_id DESC LIMIT 0 , 40 "; $conn = getDBConnection(); $results = mysql_query($sql, $conn); if (!$results || empty($results)) { //echo 'There was an error creating the entry'; end; } $row = mysql_fetch_array($results); $unit = $row[0]; $top_unit_0 = $row[1]; $top_unit_id_0=$row[2]; $top_unit_1 = $row[3]; $top_unit_id_1=$row[4]; $top_unit_2=$row[5]; $top_unit_id_2=$row[6]; $v_title=$unit.' | '.$top_unit_0.' | '.$top_unit_1.' | '. $top_unit_2; mysql_free_result($results); mysql_close($conn); //page count------------------ $rec_page=10; //Number of records per page $sql = "select count(*) from ptb_object_blog"; $conn = getDBConnection(); $results = mysql_query($sql, $conn); $row_c = mysql_fetch_array($results); $cnt2=$row_c[0]; $cnt=60; if ( $cnt%$rec_page== 0 ) {$total_pages=$cnt/$rec_page;} else {$total_pages= ($cnt-$cnt%$rec_page)/$rec_page+1;} //echo $total_pages; $pgx=""; if ($cnt>0) {$pgx=" Pages: ";} for ($i = 1; $i < $total_pages+1; $i++) { $pgx=$pgx.""; if ($i==$page_id ) {$pgx=$pgx."".$i." ";} else { $pgx=$pgx.$i." ";} } $pgx=$pgx.""; $google_str= str_replace(" ", "+", $unit."+".$top_unit_0."+".$top_unit_1."+".$top_unit_2) ; //$google_str= $top_unit_0."+".$top_unit_1."+".$top_unit_2 ; ?> seePlanet |
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